Monday, December 31, 2012

Merry Christmas

On Chirstmas Day, Ana and I ran down the hallway like total weirdos. We were SUPER excited to see what we got!
I saw a Squishable fox and it was for me! HE IS SOO SQUISHEY!
Next, a sleeping bag with a pillow in my fave colour blue! I will use it all the time!
Next I got some blue fuzzy boots! Lots of blue.
YAY! A new pillow! I love pillows for some reason...
Yes! I got a pretty blue rug for my room. It will go by my chairless desk.
I got a awesome (and very blue) haul of presents. Merry Christmas and a very happy 2013!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Rockin' around the Christmas Tree..

Hey guys it's Nikki I am SUPER sorry for my absence I got a splint for 3 weeks and I am with a friend! She has 2 blogs (one she shares with her sister and one of her own.) and her name is Ana!
Here is the tree! Ana and I shared this photo. We didn't put the ornaments on yet.

Ana is putting on an ornament in this photo. She has such pretty hair!
It's me! Ana took this one. She is such a good photographer!
My mom bought candy canes to eat after. They were soo perpermenty! (that isn't a word)